Executive Summary
Version 2.0
Contents of the more than 450-page criminal complaint in compact form on 20 pages
On 14 July 2022, 37 persons making a report and six private claimants directly harmed by mRNA “vaccinations” (all according to the rubric) reported a criminal offence against certain persons acting on behalf of Swissmedic (according to the rubric) and against persons unknown. They filed this report of a criminal offence to protect their own health and out of justified concern for the health of their fellow human beings. They did so because their health had either already been seriously damaged (private claimants) or was at least permanently threatened due to [i .] the unlawful authorisation of mRNA-based “COVID-19 vaccines” by Swissmedic, [ii .] the sustained lack of product monitoring by Swissmedic and, last but not least, [iii .] the sustained misleading product information provided by Swissmedic, and because this threat is still ongoing (private claimants and persons making a complaint).
As the facts have been confirmed continuously and unanimously since the submission of the report of a criminal offence on 14 July 2022 and have even worsened within the meaning of the report of a criminal offence, because Swissmedic still continues with its factually inaccurate and unlawful authorisation practice to this day, because it is still not taking adequate account of the risks it has created, and because the public prosecutor has not yet seen fit to open criminal proceedings against those responsible – in other words, because the original risk situation continues to exist – the 37 persons making a report and the 6 private claimants hereby submit a fully updated version of the report of a criminal offence.
This updated report of a criminal offence version 2.0 (including the separate evidence report version 2.0) takes into account the legally relevant evidence that has come to light between the end of June 2022 and 31 March 2023 and, where possible or where particularly relevant, the legally relevant evidence up to August 2023. In addition, this report of a criminal offence version 2.0 contains significant clarifications and additions to the legal section, particularly with regard to the accusation of forgery of a document by a public official (Art. 317 Swiss Criminal Code), committed by responsible persons at Swissmedic. This report of a criminal offence version 2.0, together with the evidence report version 2.0, which has also been thoroughly updated and refined, replaces the original report of a criminal offence and evidence report of 14 July 2022 in their entirety.
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Special print: Criminal complaint against Swissmedic (Executive Summary 2.0)
Special print of the contents of the over 450-page Criminal Complaint 2.0: Executive Summary 2.0 compact on around 70 A5 pages with additional illustrations and introductory words.
Version 1.0
Content of the more than 300-page criminal complaint compactly on 10 pages
37 complainants and six private plaintiffs directly harmed by mRNA “vaccinations” file present criminal complaints to protect their own health and out of legitimate concern for the health of their fellow human beings.
In this case, we are dealing with the greatest threat to human health caused by medicinal products and the greatest injury to human health that has ever occurred in Switzerland: The approval and administration of the largely ineffective mRNA “vaccines” pose a far greater danger than the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen against which these “vaccines” are supposed to protect.
Swissmedic is primarily responsible for this threat: By law, it has the central function of protecting the health of the Swiss population. To this end, it must ensure, on the one hand, that only high quality, safe, and effective ther-apeutic products are placed on the market. On the other hand, it must protect consumers of therapeutic products against fraud (Art. 1 TPA). The notifying parties acting on behalf of Swissmedic failed to comply with these guarantee obligations on several occasions and to a significant extent, which is why they have been under strong suspicion, since December 2020 and up to the present day,
- of having repeatedly violated the due diligence obligations under therapeutic product law (Art. 86(1a) TPA, in conjunction with. Art. 3 TPA and Art. 7 TPA) in the course of marketing au-thorization and batch testing which, according to federal court rulings, is deemed to be manufacturing,
- of not having fulfilled the duty of post-marketing surveillance (so-called «pharmacovigi-lance») in a risk-adequate manner, but rather having permanently violated the obligation to notify under therapeutic product law (Art. 87(1c) TPA) in a serious manner,
- of having seriously violated the prohibition on the advertising of therapeutic products (Art. 87(1b) TPA),
- of having satisfied the corresponding elements of an offense under the Criminal Code when a «success» (death, bodily injury) has occurred.
The breaches of duty of care complained of here essentially consist of the fact that the notified persons acting on behalf of Swissmedic (and in principle also the notified physicians) were already aware of countless risk factors from December 2020, each of which in itself would have stood in the way of granting the “temporary” authorization (or administering the corresponding mRNA injections) until the corresponding risk factors had been thoroughly clarified and eliminated under normal circumstances.

The following should be highlighted here…